会议按照大会报告、分会场报告和海报展示等三个单元进行。有16位专家做大会报告,他们是:国防科学技术大学于起峰院士的“Displacement-relay videometric methods for surface multi-position subsidence surveillance”,北京大学方岱宁院士的“Strain rate effect on dynamic impact and energy absorption of two dimensional lattice materials”,俄罗斯科学院G.I. Kanel院士的“Rate, structure and temperature effects on the flow stress and tensile strength of metals”,中国工程物理研究院孙承纬院士的“Material dynamic experiments under ramp wave loading”,西安交通大学卢天健教授的“Normal and oblique projectile impact of double-layered pyramidal metallic lattices filled with ceramic insertions”,美国普渡大学陈为农教授的“Real-time damage assessment inside materials deforming at different rates”,德国斯图加特大学Wolfgang Osten教授的“What Optical Metrology can do for the Inspection of Micro and nano Components”,美国罗德岛大学Arun Shukla教授的“Mechanics in combined extreme environments: recent experimental studies”,中国台湾清华大学王伟中教授的“A residual stress measurement method for glass plates by integrating photoelasticity and spectrometer”,香港城市大学吕坚院士的“Contribution of multiscale experimental and computational mechanics to the integration of advanced nanomaterials in mechanical systems”,美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学Fuh-Gwo Yuan教授的“Fully non-contact systems for damage visualization and diagnosis in composite structures”,日本立命馆大学Tatsuo Sakai教授的“A study on very high cycle fatigue properties of low flammability magnesium alloy in rotating bending and axial loading”,中国台湾国立成功大学Yu-Lung Lo教授的“Stokes-Mueller analysis to optical coherence tomography for possible stress analysis in biotissues and cancer cell diagnosis”,美国凯斯西储大学Vikas Prakash教授的“Friction behavior of fault gouges at co-seismic slip rates and normal pressures using modified torsional Kolsky bar”,华沙工业大学Piotr Wolański教授的“Application of the continuous rotating detonation to gas turbine, jet and rocket propulsion”和北京理工大学陈鹏万教授的“Experimental studies on dynamic deformation and fracture of materials and structures by using digital image correlation”等。在四个分会场的报告中,有28位专家做了大会邀请报告,78位代表做了分组报告,21位代表做了海报展示。会议期间,代表们还参观了北京理工大学爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室。