<% dim classid classid = saferequest("classid", 0) if classid = "" then classid = "2" end If %> 中国力学学会学术大会’2009 - 閲戝疂鎼忓畼鏂筧pp涓嬭浇鎸囧崡
<% Set rsb = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset") sqlb="select * from article_class where unid in (37,38) order by orderflag asc,unid asc" rsb.Open sqlb,conn, 1 do while not rsb.eof %>
<% sql="Select unid,didian,title,intime From article_info where nclassid="&rsb("unid")&" and flag=0 order by hits desc,unid desc" Set rs = Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") rs.Open sql,conn,1,1 If rs.EOF and rs.BOF Then %>
<%Else%> <%Do While Not rs.EOF%> <%rs.MoveNext Loop%>
<% If Trim(rs("didian")) <> "" then %> " target=_blank><%=left(rs("title"),24)%>... <%call fintime(rs("intime"), rs("unid"))%> <% else %> "><%=left(rs("title"),44)%>... [<%=rs("intime")%>]<%call fintime(rs("intime"), rs("unid"))%> <% End if %>
<%rs.close:end if%>
<% rsb.movenext loop rsb.close %>
<% conn.close Set conn=Nothing connf.close Set connf=Nothing %>