ࡱ> 796` Rbjbj8Y>DDDDDDDX8$X&....b b b $h `7D+b b ++7DD..4L   +D.D. +  DD .  *Qi| $b0 S^ D b H  P b b b 77Xb b b ++++XXXDXXXXXXDDDDDD This is the Title of Your Contribution to ICCM2012 *G.R. Liu, Nguyen Thoi Trung2,3, and M. Li4 1School of Aerospace Systems, University of Cincinnati, USA. 2Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Mathematics & Computer Science, University of Science, Vietnam National University HCMC, 227 Nguyen Van Cu, Dist. 5, Hochiminh City, Vietnam 3Division of Computational Mechanics, Ton Duc Thang University, 98 Ngo Tat To St., Ward 19, Binh Thanh Dist., Hochiminh City, Vietnam. 3College of Mathematics, Taiyuan University of Technology, China *Corresponding author: liugr@UCMAIL.UC.EDU Intending author should submit an abstract of no more than 150 words. It should contain the title of the paper,name(s) of authors, affiliation(s), mailing addresses, and email address of the corresponding author. 4-6 keywords should be provided. The completed Abstract should be submitted together with a completed Abstract_submission_form via email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:guoliang@www.cn100led.com" guoliang@www.cn100led.com. The submitted Abstract is preferred to be in WinWord. The abstract submission deadline is September 15, 2013. The accepted abstract will be noticed and reviewed. Authors may choose to submit a full length paper (with an addition US$100 surcharge). The full paper will be only printed in the form of USB of conference proceedings. At least one author of the paper must be registered in order to present the paper in the conference, and to be recommended for submission of full paper to special issues of conference official journals. Keywords: APCOM2013, Abstract, Computational method, Singapore, Beauty, High-tech     APCOM & ISCM 11-14th December, 2013, Singapore *23PS^_`aO P ʴʴʠ{kYkJY8"hKh@d@CJ]aJnH o(tH hKh@d@CJaJnH tH "hKh@d@CJH*]aJnH tH hKh@d@CJ\aJnH tH "hKh@d@CJH*\aJnH tH $hKh@d@CJaJmH nH sH tH 'hKh@d@CJH*aJmH nH sH tH +h@d@h@d@5B*H*mH nH phsH tH (h@d@h@d@5B*mH nH phsH tH hXKJhXKJ5CJaJhXKJh57L5CJaJhXKJh57L53`O  B C TUVWXY[\^ $dha$gd57L $dha$gd57L $dhxa$gd8 $a$gd8 $a$gd@d@ $xxa$gd@d@$a$gd@d@$$dxx@&a$gd@d@ $da$gd57LY   . B C   " ʺʯ}q}bTPLPh%hphWQhJ,$0JnHo(tHjhJ,$UnHtHhJ,$hJ,$nHo(tHhJ,$nHtHjhJ,$UnHtHhyt hXKJh7h@d@h?h|l hXKJhXKJhnh@d@OJQJh@d@CJaJmH nH sH tH $hKh@d@CJaJmH nH sH tH "hKh@d@CJ]aJnH o(tH hKh@d@CJ]aJnH tH " F O P R W X Z  6 v   !7STXYZ\]_`bceqxzh?h?H* h?h?hywjhywUh1qh"h57LCJaJh|lhXKJ5 h8 h8 hay h|lh|lh8 h~)?h-h|lh?hJ,$nHo(tH hXKJhXKJ9^_abdes$a$gd? h1qhywhgo h;shgo6&P 1h:pyCn. A!n"n#$n% DyK guoliang@cstam.org.cnyK :mailto:guoliang@cstam.org.cn8@8 57LckeCJ_HaJmH sH tH $A@$ ؞k=W[SOBiB nfh*B*phVOV @d@E-mails$da$6OJPJQJaJnHtH3`OBCTUVWXY[\^_abdes000303030303030030303030303@0ي00@0ي00@0ي00@0ي00@0@0ي00 =====@ "  ^  X@  @H 0(  0(  B S  ?5ws:5wsT:5ws,w5ws55ws95ws-~5ws {5wsL{5ws{5ws{5ws {5wsL{5ws{5ws{6ws {6wsL{6wstz6wsz6wsz6ws4z6wstz6wsz6wsz~~77Guy}77     ENNx|@@  = *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceNameB*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagscountry-region8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace 0M 7@y|}YY[[\\^_abdeQS`YY[[\\^_abde333YY[[\\^_abdeYY[[\\^_abdeZ4{;U.kv=dE}_V + . } _g ~ 2 q  t2Z):fj0t4 hzXOs_ -bFs 9c2!-W pq i!"V "6%"i"Yo#J,$w%%@I&{&I''Mx(z(s*B +o,.,2-{-P.w./0z0281p12t23xa34 g4 5o5-6?6P6&7\7J94s:f/<? ? ?~)?@#@<#@@d@2A]M?MMMhM:xOO[P3Q}EQR*RSZTLWzWAXsYtY ZZp4Z6ZnZDwZn[<\QG\|][]Q^-d^ _q`6aBb>c[c7xdJe eZe fLf*cfSAgFbg01hbhidHi]i.j/j k93kK lglS=lRlUlfl9myCnGnXnZ\nbnp@=qIq#Rr;stgtyt*u*vGwywy[ ynU?Lsy} R]^6#-g[@&@7U Zd#htrjxG~h0BB1H_cint`GGr]: ij-; *J