ࡱ> (*'` Rbjbj;<Q{  f f f z 8VT$z ?((***......[?]?]?]?]?]?]?$|AhC`?f 3-|..33? **?3737373 l*f *[?373[?37377,: ,f 7* =7j47G??0?7DD5DD7DDf 7..Hv/37`01......??6j......?3333z z z z z z z z z  Instructions of preparing full paper for APCOM proceedings *G.R. Liu, Nguyen Thoi Trung2,3, and M. Li4 1School of Aerospace Systems, University of Cincinnati, USA. 2Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Mathematics & Computer Science, University of Science, Vietnam National University HCMC, 227 Nguyen Van Cu, Dist. 5, Hochiminh City, Vietnam 3Division of Computational Mechanics, Ton Duc Thang University, 98 Ngo Tat To St., Ward 19, Binh Thanh Dist., Hochiminh City, Vietnam. 3College of Mathematics, Taiyuan University of Technology, China *Corresponding author: liugr@UCMAIL.UC.EDU Abstract This document describes the format instructions for papers for the 5th Asia Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics & the 3rd International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (APCOM & ISCM). It is our intension to be relatively flexible in the format, yet maintain a reasonable degree of consistency between papers in the final proceedings. This document is available at the conference web site (http://www.apcom2013.org/) in both PDF and WinWord format. Note that submission of full-length paper is optional, and a full-length paper carries an addition US$100 surcharge. The full-length paper will be only included in the form of USB of conference proceedings. Keywords: Suggest approximately 4 6 keywords for indexing purposes. Introduction The papers will be peer reviewed and be published in Proceedings that will be distributed at the Conference in the form of USB. The selected papers will be recommended for publication in a special Issues of the conference official journals. This document describes the required format for the full papers. Your manuscript should be submitted via email ( HYPERLINK "mailto:guoliang@www.cn100led.com" guoliang@www.cn100led.com) by 30 September, 2013. We need two files of your submitted manuscript in DOC (WinWord document) or PDF, respectively. The file names must be: PaperRefNo.pdf and PaperRefNo.doc (e.g.: 1001.pdf and 1001.doc). You can find your paper Ref No in Acceptance email sent by the conference secretary. Format Requirements The Author Kit in WinWord format can be found in the conference website (http://www.apcom2013.org/). You may simply download it and use it as a template for your paper. If you prefer other word processors, please follow the general instructions as given below. General Format Requirements The general format requirements are as follows: Paper (A4 size paper): the full paper should have a length of 4 to 8 pages. Margins: 2.5 cm top and bottom; 3.2 cm on sides Header: Keep the header and footer only in the first page as it appears in the template Title: 14 pt bold Times New Roman, centered. Authors Affiliation: Name: 12 pt bold Times New Roman; address: 10 pt Times New Roman Section Headings: 12 pt bold Times New Roman. Section Subheadings: 12 pt italic Times New Roman Body text: 12 pt Times or Times New Roman, single spacing, justified on both margins, one blank line between paragraphs, no indentation for beginning of a paragraph Figures: Insert in text where appropriate, with 12 pt Times New Roman caption centered below the figure as shown in the example below. Tables: As with Figures, but with caption centered above the table. Equations: Centered, with equation number at the right, one blank line above and below Units: SI units are preferred References: 10 pt times. References should appear at the end of the paper as shown below. Citations in the text of the paper should use author last names and the year; for example, in previous work by the authors (Saha, 2011; Saha and Gu, 2012a) or as shown in the work by Saha and Gu (2012a,b). Additionally, authors are responsible for obtaining permission for reprinting any material included in their papers that is already copyrighted elsewhere.  EMBED Equation.3  (1) An example of an equation is shown in Eq. (1) above. Figure and table examples are given in Fig. 1 and Table 1 below.  Table 1. Identified results   Actual Results (deviation) for different noise levels Value free 2% 0.973 0.967(-0.6%) 0.974(0.1%) 0.875 0.860(-1.7%) 0.866(-1.0%) 0.657 0.656(-0.01%) 0.671(2.1%) 0.488 0.488(0%) 0.502(2.9%) 0.271 0.276(2.0%) 0.259(-4.3%)  Figure 1. A plate Conclusions If you have any questions concerning these format instructions, please contact the APCOM2013 secretary Joanne Wang by e-mail at guoliang@www.cn100led.com. References Saha, S. C. (2011), Scaling of free convection heat transfer in a triangular cavity for Pr > 1. Energy and Buildings, 43, pp. 29082917. Saha, S. C. and Gu, Y. T. (2012a), Free convection in a triangular enclosure with fluid-saturated porous medium and internal heat generation. ANZIAM J. 53, pp.127141. Saha, S. C. and Gu, Y. T. (2012b), Natural convection in a triangular enclosure due to non-uniform cooling on top. ANZIAM J. 53, pp. 5368.      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